How Common Is Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect?

What Is Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect? Nursing home abuse can be defined as intentionally injuring, intimidating, or punishing residents, resulting in physical, mental, and/or emotional pain. [...]


How to Avoid Workplace Slip-and-Fall Accidents

In 2014, slip-and-fall accidents contributed to 26.5 percent of all workplace injuries in Massachusetts private businesses. Workplace slip-and-fall accidents and injuries are preventable, and [...]


Recognizing and Mitigating Winter Hazards on the Job Site

Whether you’re ready or not, winter is here and in full effect. And while most of us really enjoy getting into the holiday spirit, we’re not quite as enthusiastic about the plunging temperatures, [...]


Holiday Decoration Safety Tips

Decking the halls, painting holiday scenery, and stringing up lights certainly adds to seasonal cheer; however, thousands of decorators across the country cut short their joy by not taking proper [...]


Thanksgiving Travel: The Most Harmful Holiday Week

When we think of Thanksgiving, food, football, and travel usually come to mind first. Though the first two are highlights of the holiday, the latter is often stressful and frustrating. While it [...]


Who Can File for Workers’ Compensation in Massachusetts?

What Is Workers’ Compensation? Workers’ compensation is designed to protect workers who are injured on the job or who contract a job-related illness and to protect employers from being sued by [...]


Car Accidents: A Halloween Danger for Children

The Scariest Thing on Halloween Isn’t What You Expect With football back on television, children back in school, and the leaves beginning to turn, it’s easy to get swept up in the beauty and [...]


Hidden Causes of Trucking Accidents: Undiagnosed Medical Issues

Trucking Accidents: A Growing Threat in the United States Large truck crashes are a major problem in the United States. In 2014, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 3,660 [...]


Quiz: Are You a Safe Motorcycle Rider?

Whether you’ve been an avid motorcycle enthusiast your entire life or if you’ve just recently caught the thrill, we want to make sure that you are as safe as possible when cruising along on two [...]


The “Fatal 4” Construction Accidents and How to Avoid Them

Construction-related occupations are some of the most dangerous jobs in the United States. So dangerous, in fact, that on-site construction and extraction workers accounted for 34.8 fatalities [...]

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